A Letter from the Only Black Female in the Credits
I spend my time in movies being the sidekick
Painting my nails, rolling eyes as my tongue clicks
Dancing and twerking while laughing at you
Thinking my role as the side chick will do
I have sex, I love it, I love being seen
I side-eye, I love it, I love being mean
Four kids and a baby, for which he is paying
Have exes on exes cause no man is staying
If he likes me, I’m “chocolate” dark, sweet, and a fetish
Never a princess. Princesses are born rich.
Never the bridesmaid and never the bride
Check the cast list for “extras” and that’s where I’ll hide
And if I am pretty, I’m “exotic” you mean it
Cause exotic means “beauty where you’re not used to seeing it”
Despite the Naomi’s, Vivica’s, the B’s
Black beauty stays more of a myth than a scene
And even though knowing I’m not what they say
Not side-chick, or extra, or “jungle” fillet
There’s sadness in knowing despite who I am
They’ll cast me as extra cause I’m not a white man
Ross Lynn